‘Jacob Leeks Mogg’ comes second in Newent Onion Show


The leader of the House of the Commons immortalised in leeks was entered in the Newent Onion Show. …

Jacob Leeks Mogg
Image caption That’s shallot: “Jacob Leeks Mogg” only came second in the “Vegetable Character Over 17 Years” category

A vegetable recreation of the leader of the House of Commons reclining during a debate has come second in a competition at an onion show.

Hester Feld entered “Jacob Leeks Mogg” into the Newent Onion Show’s “Vegetable Character Over 17 Years” competition.

The North East Somerset MP was lampooned in memes earlier this month after slouching during a three-hour late-night debate on Brexit.

All edible members of the allium family star in the Gloucestershire show.

The event – now in its 24th year – says it aims to “advance the education of the public in the cultivation and improvement” of the likes of blanch leeks, pot leeks, garlic, spring onions and chives.

Image copyright AFP
Image caption Jacob Rees-Mogg was lampooned in memes earlier this month after slouching during a three-hour late-night debate on Brexit

People commenting on the photo on the BBC Gloucestershire Facebook page argued it should have come first while one said: “Well he is campaigning for us to have funny shaped vegetables again. Which is ironic.”

The winner of the competition was a pair of tortoises and snails modelled out of spring onions and slices of red onion.

Image caption Other attractions at the vegetable show included a competition to see who could eat a raw onion in the fastest time

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