‘It’s not just boys who can do it’


Girls take part in a summer scheme introducing them to careers traditionally viewed as jobs for men. …

Girls in north Belfast have been taking part in a free summer scheme.

Aged between 12 and 15, they’ve been learning heritage skills like woodworking and plaster moulding.

One of their projects was to make a bird box from scratch.

The scheme is supported by Women’s Tec – a group which provides training for women to return to employment in non-traditional sectors.

Workshop manager and tutor Davy Holden said the girls’ enthusiasm had been “unbelievable”.

“We have been imparting a bit of trust for the age group using tools like hand saws and drills,” he added.

The scheme is part of the organisation’s #notjustforboys programme.

Vilma Bisson, from Women’s Tec, explained the aim was to attract young girls into areas “they’re not usually sent to”.

“When we looked at it we found electricians, construction workers and so on earn from £25,000 to £30,000 a year and thought: ‘Why can’t girls do this and get excited about these options’.

“We decided to run this programme to raise awareness among young girls and offer them economic empowerment,” she added.

Women’s Tec also facilitates longer courses for girls and women in areas like joinery, plumbing, and electrics with free creche so women can access the programmes.

The next course coming up is in car mechanics.

Video journalist: Amy Stewart


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