Web3 Is Silicon Valley’s Rosy Vision of the Future


This week, we imagine a new version of the web that takes the power from the platforms and puts it back…

MC: Well, never too late to text me. I just reserve the right to wait until 6:00 am when I wake up to respond.

LG: OK. Yeah. Pretty much. My signal last night to Mike was I wasn’t that late, but I was like, oh my God, I’m at the seafood episode. Oh, it’s so good.

GE: And are you, are you more of an Abbi person or an Ilana person?

LG: This is an important question. I feel like, oh God, I don’t know. So I lived in New York in my 20s and I’m trying to think of like, for a long time, pretty much the whole decade. And I’m trying to think of who I was probably more like, and I was probably a little bit more of an Abbi. Yeah.

MC: Obviously.

GE: Yas, queen.

LG: Yes. I too worked at a gym and aspire to be a spin instructor. No, I didn’t really, but I don’t know, it’d be fun to be a spin instructor.

MC: Oh my God.

GE: That’s not the message of the show.

LG: No, I know. It’s not at all. No, strike that. OK.

MC: It’s also very rewatchable.

LG: You mean it seems that way.

MC: When you get to the end, you wait a year and then go back and re-watch it.

LG: Also, it’s like many shows, a nice snapshot of our lives, pre-pandemic.

MC: Yeah.

LG: They’re on the subway or they’re in clubs or doing whatever they’re doing. And I’m like, “Oh, they end up in the hospital together one night, the seafood episode.” And, and I’m like, “Oh, they’re no masks. Everyone’s just all crowded and on top of each other.”

GE: To be fair, most television shows are like that.

MC: Yeah.

LG: I know. I know.

MC: Yep.

LG: All right. I think we’re going to end it. And by the way, did I mention our producer Boone wrote a great story this week on WIRED.com?

GE: What’s it about?

LG: It’s about wildfires

MC: And the people who tweet about them

LG: And the people who tweet about them. And one man in particular, who lives in New Zealand. You guys should really all go read.

GE: This does not ring a bell.

LG: OK. I’ll send it to you.

GE: Cool.

LG: Via Slack.

GE: Put it on the blockchain, please.

LG: All right. That’s our show. Gilad-

GE: Bye.

LG: Thank you. Bye. Thank you for joining us.

GE: My pleasure.

LG: Thank you, Mike as always, for being a great, co-host.

MC: Just, same to you.

LG: And thanks for recommending Broad City a while ago.

MC: You’re welcome.

LG: So I could recommend it again.

MC: Glad you like it.

LG: All right. Thanks to all of you for listening. If you have feedback, you can find all of us on Twitter, just check the show notes. Also, you can leave us a review in Apple Podcast. I love reading this. This show is produced by this guy named Boone Ashworth, who also wrote a story on wire.com this week.

GE: Oh my God. Did he?

LG: He did. Goodbye.

BA: You guys are lunatics.

GE: Welcome to the Booniverse!

[Gadget Lab outro theme music plays.]

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