Objects in Apple’s Vision Are Closer Than They Appear


This week on Gadget Lab, we learn what it’s like to wear and use Apple’s Vision Pro headset. Also, we round…

Lauren Goode: Yes.

Brenda Stolyar: Yes.

Michael Calore: Lauren.

Lauren Goode: Mike.

Michael Calore: Lauren, where are you? I can’t see your eyes. I look at your face and I just see sort of a bluish purple blob where your eyes are. Are you in there?

Lauren Goode: Hold on. Let me twist my digital crown on my Apple Vision Pro headset.

Michael Calore: Oh, I can see your eyes now, but you still feel kind of like distant. You’re not really paying attention.

Lauren Goode: That’s the thing with mixed reality. You’re there, but you’re not. But you’re here, but you’re not.

Michael Calore: Are you present enough to do a podcast?

Lauren Goode: I think we should podcast.

Michael Calore: OK. Let’s do it.

Michael Calore: Hi everyone. Welcome to Gadget Lab. I am Michael Calore. I’m a senior editor at WIRED.

Lauren Goode: And I’m Lauren Goode. I’m a senior writer at WIRED.

Michael Calore: And we are also joined this week by WIRED product writer and reviewer Brenda Stolyar. Welcome back, Brenda.

Brenda Stolyar: Thank you. I’m happy to be back one year later.

Michael Calore: Yes, you are here in the room with us for our 600th episode. You should feel totally honored.

Brenda Stolyar: Oh, wow.

Lauren Goode: Oh my gosh. It’s the 600th episode.

Michael Calore: It’s number six zero zero.

Brenda Stolyar: Congrats you guys.

Michael Calore: Thanks.

Lauren Goode: I wonder what that number means in numerology. We should look it up.

Brenda Stolyar: Ooh.

Lauren Goode: Might be a special number.

Brenda Stolyar: Look it up for the end of the show.

Lauren Goode: Yeah. I will.

Brenda Stolyar: OK.

Michael Calore: It means the singularity is approaching.

Lauren Goode: We should probably tell people what we were originally planning for our 600th episode.

Michael Calore: We were going to float in a pool.

Lauren Goode: We were. We had an extremely random idea that we were just going to go find a pool somewhere, and all of us were going to sit there and tread water with our little Zoom handy recorders up to our faces and record a podcast. And our producer was actually on board with this.

Michael Calore: Sure.

Lauren Goode: Boone, the most excellent producer in the world. Most producers would be like, “This sounds like a nightmare from an audio perspective. You’re bringing electronics into the pool.” We were like, “No, we’re going to do this.” We had a pool in mind, and we were going to invite Mat Honan to come on the show.

Michael Calore: Yeah, just ghosts of Gadget Lab past, I think.

Lauren Goode: Yeah. We had this whole plan, and then Apple happened.

Michael Calore: And then Apple happened.


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