Covid: As Matt Hancock faces grilling, what are key questions for him?


The health secretary will be quizzed by a panel of MPs about his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. …

The Health Secretary Matt Hancock is under scrutiny over his handling of the early stages of the Covid-19 pandemic. Here is what we know about the events of March and April 2020.

Action plan published

3 March

The government publishes its official coronavirus action plan to contain, delay, research and mitigate the virus. The public are urged to wash their hands regularly with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or the length of time it takes to sing ‘Happy Birthday’ twice.  Mr Hancock says: “Protecting the most vulnerable is our absolute priority.”

Mr Hancock leaves Downing St after launching the action plan
Image caption Mr Hancock leaves Downing St after launching the action plan Image copyright by Getty Images

PM announces lockdown

23 March

Boris Johnson appears on television and announces strict new curbs on life in the UK.

The prime minister says the UK faces a “moment of national emergency.”
Image caption The prime minister says the UK faces a “moment of national emergency.” Image copyright by PA News

People are only allowed to leave their homes to exercise once a day. Shops selling non-essential goods are told to shut and gatherings in public of more than two people who do not live together are prohibited.

PPE concerns growing

24 March

Care homes warn that frontline staff do not have sufficient supplies of masks, aprons, gowns and goggles – personal protective equipment or PPE. Doctors issue similar warnings.  Some are being told to go and buy PPE themselves from DIY shops.  Mr Hancock announces a new hotline for staff to call if they are running low on supplies.  He says a “military effort” is underway to get millions of items of PPE to those who need them

Care homes warning

26 March

In an email leaked to the Sunday Times, social care leaders warn Mr Hancock that care homes are being “pressured” to allow residents to return from hospital with symptoms of Covid-19 and without being tested for the virus. Managers say they are “terrified” that the lack of testing is causing outbreaks in homes.

Chart from April 2020 shows coronavirus deaths rising in care homes
Image caption Chart from April 2020 shows coronavirus deaths rising in care homes Image copyright by BBC

Plea for PPE

27 March

Managers from nearly 40 care home providers tell the BBC they are facing serious PPE shortages. One says his staff are “massively short” of face masks.  He warns that safety equipment is “generally not available” in social care. Another criticises a lack of central coordination and guidance on staffing shortages when employees are either sick or isolating.

Government guidance issued

2 April

Guidance says that people who were Covid-19 positive can be discharged into care homes: “Negative tests are not required prior to transfers/admissions into the care home.” It recommends that they are isolated in their own room.

Mr Hancock talks to the PM


Mr Hancock addresses the issue of testing with the prime minister. According to testimony given later by the prime minister’s former chief adviser Dominic Cummings, Mr Hancock is asked: “What on earth has happened with all these people in care homes?” According to Mr Cummings: “Hancock told us in the cabinet room that people were going to be tested before they went back to care homes.”

Tests required

15 April

The guidance is changed. It now says that all those being discharged into care homes should be tested. The National Audit Office says later that it is not known how many patients with Covid-19 had been discharged to care homes, but that about 25,000 people were discharged to care between 17 March and 15 April.


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