Ruby’s private keyword is weird


Ruby’s private keyword: Why it’s considered weird

The private keyword in Ruby has earned a bit of a reputation for being strange and unexpected compared to other object-oriented languages. Here’s why:

1. It doesn’t actually enforce privacy:
Unlike similar keywords in other languages that restrict access to methods, private in Ruby merely flags methods as internal/implementation details. While it discourages direct use from outside the class, it doesn’t technically prevent it. You can still call those methods with explicit syntax like obj.send(:private_method_name).

2. Limited scope:
private only affects instance methods by default. You need separate keywords like private_class_method for class methods and private_constant for constants, adding to the syntax and potential confusion.

3. Breaks encapsulation:
True encapsulation means hiding implementation details completely. However, by making methods private, they remain accessible within subclasses, which somewhat violates the encapsulation principle.

4. Unexpected interactions:
Private methods can still be accessed through mixins or metaprogramming techniques, further blurring the lines of intended visibility.

5. Inconsistency with other languages:
Ruby’s private differs significantly from how other languages like Java or Python handle method visibility. This can lead to confusion for developers familiar with those languages.

Alternatives and criticisms:

Some argue that private should be removed altogether in favor of explicit documentation or conventions for internal methods. Others suggest extending its scope or adding stricter access control.


While private has its uses for code organization and intent, its unconventional behavior compared to other languages and the lack of actual access restriction make it a source of potential confusion and debate.

Understanding its limitations and using it consciously are important for writing clean and maintainable Ruby code.

I hope this explanation helps! Feel free to ask if you have any further questions about Ruby’s private keyword or related topics.


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