Action over roadside rubbish thrown out of car windows


A law could be strengthened to punish people who throw litter out of vehicle windows. …

A law could be strengthened to punish people who throw litter out of a vehicle window in Wales.

It would mean that the registered owner of a vehicle could be fined, regardless of whether they threw it or were even in the car at the time.

Councils are responsible for cleaning most roads and the Welsh Government wants to give them additional powers to fine the owner of the offending vehicle.

It is a criminal offence to throw litter out of a vehicle and people can be prosecuted and fined up to £2,500 if caught.

Most councils issue fixed penalty notices if they believe someone has littered, asking the DVLA for motorists’ details.

But they have problems if the owner does not pay or tell the authority who threw the litter.


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