The Papers: Meghan’s dad speaks out and PM ‘dares’ the Queen


A royal row over a private letter and PM’s challenge to the Queen lead Sunday’s papers. …

mail on Sunday 5 october 2019
Image caption The Duchess of Sussex’s estranged father, Thomas Markle, tells the Mail on Sunday why he gave the paper a personal letter written by Meghan. He says he did so because its existence was acknowledged by unnamed friends of the duchess in a US celebrity magazine. The letter’s publication is now the subject of a court battle.
Observer 5 October 2019
Image caption More royal news leads the Observer, as details emerge about the Duke of Sussex’s action against two newspaper groups over alleged phone-hacking.
Sunday times 5 october 2019
Image caption “Sack me if you dare”, declares the Sunday Times, which says Boris Johnson will goad the Queen to fire him rather than resign over Brexit. The paper says that a monarch last sacked a PM in 1834. It adds that the warning is “an unprecedented escalation of the constitutional crisis”.
Sunday telegraph 5 october 2019
Image caption Senior ministers have raised the prospect of Nigel Farage becoming Britain’s EU ambassador in the event of a Brexit delay, the Sunday Telegraph reports. The paper says Boris Johnson could also “veto the EU’s seven-year budget” in a bid to “disrupt” the bloc if he’s forced to postpone.
Sunday express 5 october 2019
Image caption Meanwhile, Mr Johnson says there will be “no more dither, no more delay” in the Sunday Express as he insists that MPs do back his new Brexit deal.
Sunday People 5 october 2019
Image caption “No justice for AJ assault”, says the People on news that police have shelved an investigation into an alleged assault on the dancer AJ Pritchard and his brother Curtis.
Sunday Mirror 5 October 2019
Image caption The Sunday Mirror carries an interview with actor Vinnie Jones, his first following the death of his wife Tanya.
star Sunday 5 october 2019
Image caption Britons should brace for a 100-day storm warning, according to the Daily Star Sunday, which says “gale-force winds” will hit the UK as forecasters say bad weather could last three months.

The Royal Family features on the front pages of several Sunday newspapers, with some eye-catching Brexit developments, too.

The Observer carries what it says are further details about the legal action launched by the Duke of Sussex – related to alleged phone-hacking – against the publishers of The Sun and The Mirror.

The paper says the tabloids are accused of concealing or destroying evidence that they illegally targeted Prince Harry and his friends over many years.

Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption Meghan and Harry appear on many of Sunday’s front pages

In an interview with the Mail on Sunday, meanwhile, Thomas Markle defends his decision to give the paper extracts from a private letter written by his estranged daughter, Meghan. The Duchess is suing the paper over the publication.

In an editorial, The Mail on Sunday launches a defence of its decision to print the private letter. “Anyone who receives public money must expect scrutiny from the media,” it says.

‘PM dares Queen’

“Sack me if you dare” is the headline on the front of The Sunday Times, which says the prime minister will challenge the Queen to fire him rather than resign in an attempt to drive through the UK’s exit on 31 October.

The paper says senior aides have revealed Boris Johnson is prepared to “squat” in Downing Street, if MPs declare no confidence in his leadership and agree a caretaker prime minister to replace him.

Sources have told the Sunday Times that the Speaker of the House John Bercow is being considered as a possible leader of a government of national unity.

Image copyright EPA
Image caption Could Boris Johnson squat in No 10?

Meanwhile, the Observer highlights remarks made by the EU’s chief Brexit negotiator Michel Barnier in Paris on Saturday – when he reportedly said the UK government would “bear full responsibility for a no-deal Brexit”.

Mr Barnier apparently made clear the Brexit process would advance no further, unless Mr Johnson’s Brexit proposals changed.

In its editorial, The Sun on Sunday also throws its weight behind what it calls Mr Johnson’s “credible Brexit offer”. The paper urges EU leaders to “abandon their stubborn posturing and meet the PM halfway”.

PM businesswoman row

The Sunday Times reports on fresh allegations relating to Mr Johnson’s dealings with the US businesswoman Jennifer Arcuri when he was the Mayor of London.

The paper says it has seen emails, which show Mr Johnson wrote a reference for Ms Arcuri when she was applying for a high-flying government quango job. Both Mr Johnson and Ms Arcuri have denied wrongdoing.

Parole crisis

The Sunday Telegraph reports on figures which show one in five murders is committed by a prisoner on parole, with a 63% increase in the number of homicides committed by former inmates.

Image copyright Getty Images
Image caption The Sunday Telegraph has seen figures which show an increase in homicides committed by former inmates

The paper says that the figures have led to demands for urgent investment in the probation system – which it says is still reeling from “disastrous reforms” that saw some services handed to private companies.

One of the pensioner couple jailed in Portugal for smuggling £1 million worth of cocaine has told the Sunday People there are “rats as big as rabbits” in his jail.

Roger and Susan Clarke, 72 and 71 respectively, were sentenced to eight years after being caught with the haul on a cruise ship. Mr Clarke is now in the EP Lisboa jail, described by the People as “grim”.

Amazon safety

An ambulance was called to an Amazon warehouse in Britain once every two days last year, according to an investigation in the Sunday Times.

The paper says one member of staff fell 10 feet off a walkway while another incident saw a pregnant woman collapse. Amazon said it is a safe place to work with fewer incidents than similar businesses.

‘Heir we go!’

And many papers carry pictures of a beaming Prince George watching Aston Villa’s five-one victory over Norwich City on Saturday.

Image caption A jubilant Prince George enjoys Saturday’s Villa game against Norwich

“Nice one, son” reads the Sunday Times headline, which notes that the royals shunned the VIP treatment, by sitting in “normal seats”.

And the Sunday Express says Villa supporters have branded him their lucky mascot and want him to watch the side play every week.

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