The Future of Money, Facebook’s F8 Conference, and More News


Tech leaders are singing a different tune than their lobbyists are, Facebook is set to make more promises at its annual developer’s conference, and we’re here to help you with your money. Here’s the news you need to know in two minutes or less.

How we spend money is changing

The future of money is here. From Venmo vernacular to card-less credit cards, how we pay for things (and what we pay for) is evolving every day. But let’s be real: money management is hard enough in the present, let alone in the ever-shifting future. So let’s get you prepared for what’s to come.

Facebook’s big conference comes tomorrow

Facebook’s annual developer’s conference, F8, will kick off tomorrow after what’s been a very trying year for the company. What are we expecting from the conference? Likely some VR news, discussion about privacy, and lots of promises about the future. Now is the time to place your bets on how often we will hear the phrase “we need to do better.”

Tech lobbyists are trying to gut a California privacy law

Tech leaders like Mark Zuckerberg and Tim Cook publicly tout their commitment to privacy, but the lobbyist firms that represent their companies have quietly backed legislation that, according to privacy experts, would gut a sweeping privacy law set to take effect in California in January.

Cocktail Conversation

Without giving away any spoilers, anyone with a pulse knows that last night was the Game of Thrones epic Battle of Winterfell episode. There are lots of comments and opinions floating around on what should and shouldn’t have happened, but we asked an Army National Guard Officer how the battle should have been fought, and boy, did he have some thoughts.

WIRED Recommends: Pizza Ovens

Pretty much everyone loves pizza. Even if you don’t, you know someone who does. But frozen pizzas are old news, and eating out gets expensive, so why not make yourself a delicious pie from our list of the best pizza ovens for every budget?

More News You Can Use

There are now companies that can predict the effects of climate catastrophes for you.

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